what we say is what we do...

By setting these guidelines and reinforcing them consistently, children will develop the necessary skills and behaviors to thrive in a classroom setting.

Having classroom rules is very important for teaching kids self-control. Classroom rules are an essential aspect of providing a safe and structured learning environment for young children. These rules may include guidelines for behavior, such as treating others with kindness and respect, using gentle hands, and using inside voices. By following these rules, children learn to regulate their own behavior and develop important life skills such as responsibility and accountability.

As an educator, my biggest wish is for all my students to develop good manners and a deep sense of respect for others. I believe that teaching children to be polite and considerate should start early in their lives, during their early childhood education. In the classroom, I strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where each child feels valued and respected. By modeling positive behavior and reinforcing good manners consistently, I hope to instill in my students the importance of showing kindness and respect towards others. My ultimate goal is for my students to grow into thoughtful, empathetic, and respectful individuals who make positive contributions to society.